Launch of MIDSIS TROCS 4.0

REMPEC is launching the brand new Maritime Integrated Support Information System on Transport of Chemical Substances (MIDSIS TROCS 4.0)

In the framework of the West MOPoCo project, REMPEC is launching an upgraded version of MIDSIS TROCS, MIDSIS TROCS 4.0, available at the following link :

MIDSIS TROCS 4.0 decision tool targets contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention, inter-governmental and non-governmental regional and international organisations, research and funding institutions and partners. The aim of this tool is to facilitate decision making in case of Hazardous and Noxious substances (HNS) spill. In this context, the project is closely linked to the Inter regional HNS Response Manual developed by our partners.

Under the leadership of REMPEC, the development was carried out with the technical assistance of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), HELCOM, the Bonn Agreement, CEDRE, the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Transport Canada (CANUTEC) and ITOPF Ltd.

The new MIDSIS TROCS webpage provides updated information and databases inter alia on GESAMP, Emergency Schedule, Pollution category, experts list and Accident reports. It also provides guidelines and tools to elaborate a preparedness/ response strategy in case of pollution incident. REMPEC’s team hopes you will enjoy this new platform and welcomes any suggestion for further improvement.