Cedre was created on 25th January 1979, as part of the measures taken in the aftermath of the Amoco Cadiz oil spill to enhance accidental water pollution preparedness and the French response mechanism. It is in charge, at the national level, of documentation, research and experimentation on pollutants, their effects and the specific methods and means used to combat them. Its advisory and expert mission covers both marine and inland surface waters.
Its technical and operational activities are organised around 4 departments: Research, Studies and Training, Analysis and Resources, Information.
Cedre is available 24/7 to offer authorities and industries technical and scientific assistance either remotely, within incident command centres or in the field. Cedre is the focal point of the European network MAR-ICE, established by the European Maritime Security Agency (EMSA) and the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic).
Cedre also contributes to the Mediterranean Assistance Unit (MAU), by providing technical advice, from its offices in Brest or directly on the field. Cedre can be activated by REMPEC upon request for assistance by a Contracting Party to the Emergency Protocol and/or to the Prevention and Emergency Protocol to the Barcelona Convention.
Useful links
Website: https://wwz.cedre.fr/en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CedreBrest @CedreBrest
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cedre
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cedre.antipollution/