The full study on the establishment of synergies between sub-regional contingency plans is available

This feasibility Study prepared by SGMer provides eighteen recommendations to strengthen cooperation between the three sub-regional contingency plans in the sub-region (RAMOGEPOL, LIONPLAN & AMT)

Secrétariat général de la mer (SGMer), as Coordinator of the project, prepared a study on the establishment of a synergy between the existing Sub-regional agreements and related contingency plans (SRCPs) in the field of preparedness and response to marine pollution in the Western Mediterranean region.

The Study provides an overview of international and regional legal frameworks and a comparative analysis of the three sub-regional contingency plans in the region:

  1. RAMOGE agreement between France, Italy and Monaco (1976) and its relevant response plan RAMOGEPOL (1993);
  2. Lion Plan between France and Spain (2002); and
  3. the Agreement on a Sub-regional emergency plan between Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia (AMT) for the preparation for and response to accidental marine pollution in the South-Western Mediterranean (2005) and its relevant Sub-regional emergency plan.


Carte accords sous-régionaux EN.PNG

Multilateral Agreements on Sub-regional Contingency Plans in the West Mediterranean (Cedre, 2019)

The Study addresses the legal requirements, institutional arrangements and operational procedures that could strengthen cooperation and interaction among the Western Mediterranean countries participating in the three SRCPs, and provides eighteen (18) recommendations for potential synergetic actions between Parties to the plans.

Main findings include:

  • The need to increase the level of mutual knowledge, such as key contacts, content, functions etc.
  • Elements to improve interoperability (e.g. common procedures and pre-arrangements)
  • The importance of having a Secretariat
  • Potential synergetic activities that can be implemented in the short term (e.g. mutual invitations to exercices etc.)

The development of these recommendations involved all West MOPoCo Beneficiaries as well as the RAMOGE Secretariat. Main findings will be presented during MEDEXPOL 2020, to exchange views and best practices in the regional context and to explore their possible implementation in other parts of the Mediterranean region, for the benefit of Parties to existing and future SRCPs, notably in the Adriatic and in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

Download the full report (EN)